My Diary


Using the Xbox Edge software on my Xbox is becoming a hassle. The editing process is particularly frustrating because the keyboard software pops up and occupies half of the screen space on my editing page. I'll save this and see if it works properly right here.

I was able to figure out how to add pagebreaks, it's "br" (with <>). I also figured out how to change color but only partly. that was using "p style="color: (number or word here)" (with <>). What I need to work on is color for link and link visited.

Now that this is coming together, I present: back to the index.


Last night was horrible. Medication seemed off and the night was spent waking up and sitting by the shower in order to clear my head and calm down from a manic depressive state. At least the idea of intrusive thoughts leading to hurting myself were not present, just thoughts of self worth. Luckily my wife was there to console me each time, and watch over me. Drank lots of water, took another Gabapentin, starered at my cat, passed out.

Morning was an early rise. Cat litter scooped, new alarm set on Alexa. Coffee made. Wife awkaes an hour later as the coffee brews. One pot of black morning blend and one double shot of espresso made in the moka on the stove. It's been nice having the new moka pot, it's a Grosche.

A little Dead for ya: Tennessee Jed (live)


omg my eyes... stupid eye strain, and I havn't even started playing Starfield yet today, this html gets stressful on the eyeballs at times. um ok, need to figure out changing background color, maybe how to add a picture background. i took a look at the "css" and it only has 3 things, all with a simple "enter number or name" kinda thing, and I tried and tried and nothingwhen changing values. anyways, we went out for small drive today. the wife drove to recycling, i went through the atm drive through (she hates lining up the car, worried about ganking the rims). went to Low Bob's, got some RYO, American Spirits home grown as usual. decided to get a pack of black djarms, as I found out my honey has never had cloves. she drove us over to the park where no one goes. perfect place for anti-social introverts. cloudy overcast morning and nice and windy. walked around the soccer fields, smoked a clove ciggarette, and felt the wind on our faces, had a great time. got back, my best mate did a great job parking. everything went great. had to hang out in the car though, for a bit. neighbor had his dog out. that thing does not like us and we ain't to keen on it. luckily, overcast as I said, so waiting in the car wasn't a big deal. neighbor took it in after a bit and we were back in safety, back with pumpkin, back to deep breath calm. people, am I right. yuck. day's gonna be good though, we're above the static, under crushing moon and the fading star, breathing for a moment in time, slowly extinguishing into the ether, embracing each other as we embrace the void.

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

Hi there, your technically not suppose to have ventured down here... You see below is just random html to help me remember how to do things.

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

A page break, or spacing between pragrahs, is done with a "<"br">" - (I need to figure out how to show html code in txt without it activating.

Here's how to make a list:

  • this is a
  • bullet point list?